Postgraduate study The current position: homepage  Education  Postgraduate study


In 2003, school got the Master’s degree authorization qualification. In 2012, the Doctor’s degree talent training project was approved by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee. At present, school runs one  authorization center of Doctor’s degree of Materials science and Engineering, one authorization center of Master’s degree of primary disciplines, seven authorization centers of Master’s degree of the secondary disciplines, one authorization center of professional Master’s degree of Engineering. School cultivates more than 100 postgraduates with applied skills every year, a number of whom grow into technology and management backbones in large and medium-sized enterprises both at home and abroad. Several alumni have won the State Labor Medal.


Doctor's degree authorization center

0805   Materials Science and Engineering

Master’s degree of primary disciplinesauthorization center

0805   Materials Science and Engineering

Master’s degree of secondary disciplinesauthorization centers

070305 Polymeric Chemistry and Physics

080501 Materials Physics and Chemistry

080502 Materials Science

080503 Materials Processing Engineering

0805Z3 Photovoltaic Materials and Devices

0805J1 Optoelectronic Information Materials

0805Z1 Biological Materials

Professional Master’s degree of Engineering authorization center

085204 Materials Engineering